Please excuse me if you haven't seen the dancing cook doing her dancing while cooking thang lately. It's not that I haven't been dancing and cooking. For I have.
But I've also been dancing while doing a handful of other things over the past few weeks.
Namely dancing while driving.
Dancing while flying.
Dancing while beaching.
Dancing while dreaming.
More time on the road has meant a whole lot of egg dinners, mushed beans and camp food.
Despite the lack of kitchen time for me in the month of May—a welcome break mind you—I have had more than my fair share of outdoor time.
Upon return from our graduation vacation to Mexico where we spent every bliss-filled day on the beach, we turned around the next morning and drove to Moab, Utah for the Memorial Day weekend.
The American West is a magical place to find yourself in the summer. The children insisted on referring to our destination as The Wild West where people do things the old fashioned way. Indeed it felt that way with the vast rocky landscape and endless blowing dust.
The eight little kids on our camping trip were in outdoor adventure heaven in Moab. Despite the mad crowds for mountain biking, four-wheeling, ATV-ing, and camping over the holiday weekend we felt like we were the only ones out there in The Wild West. Within minutes of setting foot in camp the boys took to their bikes and dashed off to hunt dinosaur fossils.
and sky.
Perhaps the most interesting part of our trip to The Wild West town of Moab was the local city park where we spent a lot of time escaping the 55 mile per hour wind storms that were tearing through the camp higher up on the rocks.
This park had the most interesting playground equipment I'd ever encountered.
Large, big-as-life, musical instruments.
Chimes, drums, bells, xylophones and cow bells.
The kids were really into it.
But I must say, I think the adults enjoyed it even more. By the time four adults were playing, it turned into a downright chorus of spontaneous jamming.
A genius idea for a park. It was amazing and magical and just the right touch to end our weekend trip out to The Wild West.
Speaking of xylophone's... all xylophone lovers must check this out. Do yourself a favor and watch this three minute clip. It is joyous!
Forest Xylophone Plays Bach
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