Friday, April 8, 2011

Note To Self

Dear Judith,

As the old adage goes, "Organization at night makes exuberant mothers in the morning."

Yes, indeedy-do. You continue to make the same mistake every single day. You leave all the morning's prep to the hour before you need to leave for school. Tell me this... How realistic is it to wake up at 7am, arouse three kids from a deep slumber, get them dressed, with teeth brushed and hair combed, search the laundry bin for socks, feed them oatmeal, prepare three lunches, stuff backpacks, look for shoes, search for socks, look for shoes and look for shoes?

Good heavens, girl. You need a system. Let's start with something simple.

Ask the children to lay their clothes out the night before. Be sure they have located their socks and shoes.

Now ask them to make a little person on the floor with their outfits. 

This little person will wait patiently in its place until the morning sun rises at which time they can hop right into the outfit and—ta-da—half the battle is won!

Seriously Judith, try this one simple change in your daily routine and I promise you'll feel like this when you walk out the door in the morning...

 Or maybe even like this...

And then, because you're in such a good mood, maybe you'll feel like doing this...

All my love,

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